
Roasted Carrot and Kale Salad with Grilled Chicken and Lemon Dressing

Roasted Carrot Salad.jpg

Looking to mix up your chicken options? This recipe is a great mix of different textures, flavours and colours - and perfect for a summer BBQ or light lunch. Yes, it’s kale, but you could just as easily use a fresh spinach or lettuce base (skip the roasting!).

Use this recipe as a base and adapt to your own tastes - I adapted it myself from one featured in The Women’s Weekly’s ‘Almost Vegetarian’ book. Speaking of vegetarian, instead of chicken, you could easily substitute in some grilled tofu or haloumi, or roasted chickpeas for a meat-free meal.

You could also substitute some feta for the dressing if preferred.

It’s low-carb meal, but you could add in some cooked quinoa, brown rice or roast sweet potato to boost the carbohydrate content.

Serves 3-4

Preparation time – 5-10 minutes

Cooking time – 30 minutes


1 bunch green curly kale

3tbsp extra virgin olive oil

500g Dutch baby carrots, trimmed and peeled

500g chicken breast fillets

½ small red onion, quartered

2tbsp sunflower seeds

Parsley to garnish

Lemon dressing:

4tbsp mayonnaise

2tbsp lemon juice

2tsp dijon mustard


Preheat oven to 180 degrees C and line 3 baking trays with paper.

Cut kale leaves from stems, discarding stems.  Spread kale over 2 trays and drizzle with 1 tbsp oil, and make space to place sunflower seeds at one end to roast with the kale.

Place carrots on the other baking tray and drizzle with 1 tbsp olive oil.  Place carrots in the oven to roast for 30 minutes or until tender. 

Add kale to the oven for the last 5-10 minutes of cooking time for the carrots, taking care to avoid leaves and sunflower seeds from burning. 

In the meantime, cut chicken fillets in half horizontally and cook the four thin fillets on a pre-heated and lightly oiled grill plate or fry-pan until browned and cooked through.  Slice thickly.

Make the lemon dressing while the roast vegetables and chicken are cooking by combining the mayonnaise, lemon juice and Dijon mustard.

To serve, place roasted kale and carrot on plates with quartered onion broken into pieces (you can roast the onion with the carrots, or include raw depending on preference).  Top with sliced chicken, sprinkle with sunflower seeds and parsley, and drizzle over dressing (or serve dressing in a small pot).

Vegan vs Keto - for Athletes

Beautiful meal at Trofeo Estate Mornington Peninsula - unintentionally vegan vs keto!

Beautiful meal at Trofeo Estate Mornington Peninsula - unintentionally vegan vs keto!

Vegan. Keto.  Two approaches to food and nutrition that in principal could not be further apart, but are promoted by their respective loyal followers as the only way to eat.  Promises of weight loss, mental clarity, digestive health, improved performance and a range of health benefits - clever marketing may convince even the most well-read individual of the benefits of plant-based or carnivorous consumption.

I work with people who follow a vegan lifestyle.  I also work with individuals who are interested in a keto approach.  Both have pros and cons. Yes, there are significant differences, but also similarities that align with universally agreed healthful nutrition strategies - inclusion of vegetables for example.  Neither are fads and both dietary preferences will be with us for many years to come, as will the debate over which style is superior for associated health benefits.  But is one or the other superior for athletes and sports performance?  The type of athlete, and person, you are may be the key to determining whether plant-based vegan or carnivorous keto is the way to go - or something else entirely.    

Vegan virtuosity

Veganism is a way of life that seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose’ (The Vegan Society).  

Vegan is a lifestyle rather than a diet. There is an increasing trend towards plant-based eating, with significant research supporting the benefits from a health perspective.  The spotlight has recently shone on plant-based for sports performance, ably assisted by the ‘Gamechangers’ program, promoting the virtues of plant-based nutrition for performance, but which also has been widely criticised for its erroneous scientific claims.

A vegan approach to nutrition involves elimination of all animal foods including meat, poultry, fish and seafood, dairy, eggs and honey, and includes wholegrains, fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds, legumes and products manufactured from these.  A well-balanced vegan diet can provide the wide range of nutrients required for human health and performance, but without significant effort and planning, athletes may find themselves falling short on nutrients, with a subsequent impact on performance outcomes. 

Benefits of a vegan diet for athletes

-        Adequate fibre, vitamin and mineral intake when well balanced (supplementation required)

-        Weight loss (but sometimes gain)

-        Energy levels

-        Provides carbohydrate for high-intensity fuel

-        Digestive health

Potential concerns of a vegan diet

-        Nutritional inadequacies eg. Vitamin B12, Iron, Calcium, Omega-3

-        Restrictive eating patterns

-        Over consumption of specialised vegan processed foods

-        Protein quality and quantity (you have to plan well)

-   Supplement use vs natural food sources

What is keto?

Keto, ketogenic, low-carb/high-fat (LCHF) - however you label it, this style of eating promotes the use of fat as a fuel, along with ketone production (which can also be used as a fuel).  Carbohydrate is restricted to less than 20g/day, with moderate protein (not high) and unlimited amounts of dietary fat, usually with no prescription as to the type or source. 

What does this look like? Plenty of high fat foods like meats and poultry, cheese, cream, eggs, butter, oils, nuts and seeds, while cutting out all wholegrains, fruit, legumes, many vegetables and most dairy, as well as many processed foods.  Not much flexibility in this type of approach, especially if ketosis is the goal.  The modified versions of LCHF allow some carbohydrate flexibility, but on the whole, restriction is the name of the game to achieve the proposed benefits. 

The keto approach has gained much interest in the strength training world for it’s potential to support body composition goals, and in ultra-endurance ranks for increasing the ability to use fat stores as an effective fuel source for prolonged steady-state exercise.

Anecdotal evidence for a positive effect on performance is widespread, however hard evidence from the scientific world is lacking with regard to the impact of keto on high-intensity performance. Some studies indicate a potential risk of impaired performance when high intensity effort is required.

Benefits of keto for athletes:

-       Weight loss (for some people, not all)

-       Improved gastrointestinal symptoms (for some, particularly if existing intolerances)

-       Improved blood glucose levels

- High quality protein

-       Less processed, more natural foods

-       Improved use of fat as a fuel - this does not necessarily = improved performance

Potential keto concerns

-        Inadequate intake of specific nutrients, particularly those found in wholegrains, fruit, starchy vegetables and legumes

-        Gut health

- Excessive meat intake

-        Low energy levels (for some)

-        Impact on brain function, concentration (for some)

-        Restrictive and difficult to stick to

- Impact on an individual’s relationship with food and enjoyment of food

- Negative impact on sports where high-intensity effort required

- Impaired ability to use carbohydrate as a fuel when needed

- Potential impact on dietary nitrate conversion

Vegan keto combo

Yes, it’s a thing, but to be honest I wouldn’t bother.  Many of the vegan sources of protein also contain carbohydrate – so to get nutritional variety and keep carbohydrate at a keto level, it would be challenging to meet overall nutrition needs.  Let’s just say you would likely be eating a bunch of tofu and olive oil and very likely missing out on important minerals. I have not done the modelling for this though - perhaps a good project if anyone is keen to look into this further, or let me know if there are existing resources on this.

Vegan vs keto for performance

The issue with vegan vs keto for sports performance is that there are potential downsides to both. 

A vegan approach provides plant-based nutrient diversity and associated benefits, but without precision planning can result in poor nutrition intake and protein balance. But usually plenty of carbs!

Keto is an approach that seems to be growing in popularity, but the evidence to support its effectiveness for high-intensity performance is lacking at present.  Keto has been shown to enhance fat oxidation in athletes, but this has not consistently translated to performance effects.  If you are an ultra-endurance athlete, where steady state exercise is your thing and you are less likely to need high-intensity bursts, then the ability to burn more fat may be pretty handy.  But if you are a team sport contributor, and need to use your speed and agility to get to a pass or defend a goal, then carbs are the best fuel to help you get there.  Keto might just not cut it.

Part-time keto?

Some athletes will turn to a keto, or lower carbohydrate, style of eating during specific times of the year or training phases - for example early in pre-season when aerobic fitness may be a priority, along with reducing body fat levels. As training intensity steps up, carbs can be re-introduced and timed appropriately around training sessions and to suit training goals. If you need to train hard, carbs are critical.  So is protein, for recovery - and this is where vegan nutrition can let you down if not well planned. But a vegan diet also can allow carb cycling and adjusting according to training sessions, periodisation and performance goals, which keto can’t.

What if you could take the best bits of both approaches to really super-charge your performance?

So which is best?

Although both vegan and keto camps claim to be superior to any other way of eating, neither are the definitive diet to achieve improved performance for every athlete.

Either approach can play a role for specific types of athletes at specific times – with the right preparation and planning.  However you can achieve many health and performance benefits without having to follow any particular ‘labelled’ regime.  In fact the best way to perform at your best is to tailor your nutrition to your unique needs. Sports dietitians work with individual athletes to help them work out the best approach, at the best time, for their individual training and performance goals, considering their philosophical, physiological, psychological and taste needs.

The best strategy for you should include foods that you love, tailored to you, so you can live and perform at your best.

For more sports nutrition updates and tips, you can find me on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.




Serves 6

A popular vegetarian soup option, dahl is also one of the easiest and quickest soups to prepare. Red lentils don’t require soaking so you just rinse them and add to your soup. This meal freezes beautifully too, so feel free to make double and keep individual serves in the freezer for easy winter lunches.       

*Recipe from Super Food for Performance in Work, Sport and Life                                              


1 tbsp olive oil

1 small onion, finely chopped

2 tsp cumin, ground

1 clove garlic, crushed

1 tbsp fresh ginger, grated

½ cup red lentils, rinsed

400g tinned diced tomato

1½ cups vegetable stock

2 tsp lemon juice

Chopped coriander and Greek yoghurt to serve (optional)


Heat the oil in a large saucepan or non-stick pan. Cook the onion for 2-3 minutes until soft, add the cumin, garlic, ginger and lentils and cook for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes and stock, bring to the boil then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 20-25 minutes until soft (you may need to add more water/stock, especially if you like a thinner-style soup).

Add the lemon juice and process in a food processor if desired. Serve with finely chopped fresh coriander and natural Greek yoghurt.


Fibre-rich, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten-free (if gluten-free stock is used)