
Recovery smoothie

Image courtesy of Bec Doyle Photography

Image courtesy of Bec Doyle Photography

This smoothie is the perfect option post-exercise, containing carbohydrate, protein, antioxidants, electrolytes and fluid for recovery.  Rice milk is great to include in smoothies after training for fast recovery, due to its high glycemic index, but dairy milk could also be used.  Rice milk doesn’t contain any protein, so we have added protein from yoghurt, almond meal and skim milk powder.  You can use a whey protein powder if you like, but you can get enough high quality protein for recovery using real food.  This smoothie contains banana and berries, but you can vary the fruit you use to suit your individual tastes.

Serves 1

 1 cup/250ml rice milk (calcium fortified)

100g/3.5 oz protein-rich Greek yoghurt

1 medium ripe banana, chopped

¼ cup/40g frozen berries

1 tbsp ground almonds

1 tbsp skim milk powder

Combine all ingredients and blend, pour into a tall glass to serve.




Brain food for work and study - how to prevent the mid-afternoon brain fade

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Do you sometimes find yourself sitting in front of your computer in the middle of the afternoon, staring into space and unable to focus on the task at hand? This happens in workplaces and schools all around the world every day at around 3pm. Think about what you eat for lunch. Does it include foods that will boost your brainpower or more likely to leave you feeling drained? The foods you eat at work or school can make a big difference to concentration, focus, productivity and learning later in the day. Not to mention the positive effect on mood and stress levels. Here are some nutrition tips to help keep you thinking clearly and on top of your game all day. 

Eat foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids

You may have heard before that eating fish is good for your brain. Omega-3 fatty acids are a prominent component of neuronal membranes – and fish are our best dietary source of these fats. The best way to increase your omega-3 intake is to eat more fish and seafood. Research has also shown that EPA predominant fish oil supplements may have benefits for individuals with diagnosed depression (however please see your qualified health professional to discuss your individual needs when it comes to nutrition supplements).

 Choose Low Glycemic Index

Stable blood glucose levels help to the brain continuously fuelled. High glycemic index foods which are quickly absorbed into the blood stream may cause erratic blood sugar levels which can effect energy levels and mood. If you choose wholegrain over high-sugar you can help to keep blood glucose stable and this means consistent brain fuel. Protein and healthy fats can also reduce the glycemic impact of a meal or snack.

Don’t go hungry

‘Hungry grumpy’ really is a thing! If you haven’t eaten enough you feel hungry and blood glucose levels can get quite low, leaving it hard to concentrate and having an impact on brain function. Keep your brain well-fuelled to improve your mood.

Drink enough fluid

Numerous studies have shown the benefits to athletic performance from being well-hydrated, from concentration to co-ordination to judgement. These same performance principles can apply to work and school scenarios, so keep up fluid intake in the morning and as the day progresses.

Drink tea

Sometimes we use caffeine as a pick-me-up, but this doesn’t address the real reason why you need that extra boost. By eating more wholefoods and less processed, you may not need the coffee. Nothing wrong with a daily coffee, but tea is a great option for your brain. Tea contains theanine, a compound which can have a direct impact on the brain to keep you alert but relaxed at the same time.

Mix up your fruits and vegetables

Several studies have shown a link between fruit and vegetable intake and improved mood and feelings of depression. It is difficult to determine which particular nutrients or antioxidants are of most benefit, but just another reason to include a wide variety of different fruit and vegetables every day.

Add probiotics

More and more research is showing links between the health of the gut and other body organs. A healthy gut may reduce inflammation throughout the body, and can impact on your brain and mood. More research is required, but by including probiotics from yoghurt, fermented foods and drinks we can help to keep our mind and body healthy.

If you are interested in more updates about the links between the food we eat and performance at work and sport, I would love to send you my free newsletter, just leave your details here. You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more regular nutrition updates, recipes and food ideas.

Boost your gut bugs for short- and long-term health benefits

How do you get your daily prebiotics and probiotics? Maybe from yoghurt, or a daily Yakult?  Or you might take one of the many supplements on the market containing a range of bacteria with really long names.  Or maybe you have never heard of prebiotics or probiotics and have no idea what I am talking about!  The understanding of probiotics, adding good bacteria to our guts, has increased over recent years, with much research effort placed on determing the health benefits of various types of bacteria.  Good bacteria are our body's friends and can help our immune systems to work at their best and potentially reduce the risk and symptoms of a range of health ailments.

You may have seen the recent two part special edition on ABC's Catalyst program,  Gut Reaction, which presented some of the current research looking at the relationship between food, our gut bacteria and our health.  The messages were very clear, that if we feed our gut bacteria well, they will thank us by producing compounds that can benefit our health. So it's not just adding probiotics to our existing gut ecosystem, but feeding our gut bugs the fuel they need to improve the gut environment.

A healthy gut bacteria ecosystem = a healthy body. 

This is where prebiotics come in.  You might have heard of probiotics, but perhaps not prebiotics.  Prebiotics provide non-digestible fibre that is the perfect food for gut bugs.  Examples include bananas, asparagus, artichokes, chicory, leeks, onions, legumes, wheat bran, barley and oats.  (Unfortunately the positive prebiotic effect provided by the oligosaccharides in these foods can also cause gastrointestinal symptoms in some people, such as those with IBS who may choose to avoid these foods as part of a low-FODMAP diet.)

Our overly processed world means that we often don't consume adequate prebiotics from food, which can lead to an increase in bad bacteria, and potentially increase inflammation in the body (inflammation is now being linked to range of chronic health conditions).

The Catalyst programs also identified good old vinegar as one of our best medicine's for the immune system, indicating that the acetate (our good bacteria can also make acetate), can help stop immune system from over-reacting, providing potential benefits for inflammatory conditions, such as asthma.  A study on mice was discussed that gave fibre or acetate to mice and found that both helped to reduce asthma symptoms.  Watch the shows, they are really interesting, you will even learn about faecal transplants which sound strange but seem to be producing amazing results for individuals.  They involve putting live bacteria from a healthy person into a sick-person, placed 1 metre into the intestine via the backside, a bit like a colonscopy procedure, and there is hope that this could be a treatment for many conditions.

What about athletes?  Many athletes who train hard will find they are prone to the common cold, often just before an important competition or game.  A study by Gleeson et al in 2011 has always stood out to me, where they found up to 50% reduction in frequency of upper respiratory tract infections in athletes when Yakult (containing Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain, which you may have heard of before from the Yakult ads!) was consumed daily.  For athletes who are training hard, competing or travelling, the last thing you need is to get sick, and daily probiotics seem to be quite an easy way to help.

So, eat more prebiotic fibre.  Use more vinegar.  Consume probiotic foods and fluids.  Do we need probiotic supplements as well?  The amount of live bacteria in foods such as yoghurt and fermented foods and drinks may not be enough for a clinical effect, but could it be enough for general good health?  There are no clear guidelines about the specific bacteria dose to take for different purposes and health conditions, although general recommendations can be made.  Side-effects of supplements are common, including increased gas production, bloating and stool changes initially, so if you start taking a probiotic it is best to introduce gradually over a number of weeks.

When would I consider recommending probiotics in a supplement form?

- During and after a course of antibiotics, which kill both good and bad bacteria

- After food poisoning or a bout of gastro

- For individuals who are prone to recurrent colds/infections

- Athletes doing high levels of training

- Irritable Bowel Syndrome

- Women suffering from candidiasis (thrush)

The amount, type and form of probiotic will vary for individuals, as will the duration of intake. But remember, a probiotic supplement should be used in conjunction with other dietary strategies for optimal results. Our body will respond very quickly to changes in diet, within days, even if you don't particularly notice.

Research is showing that different strains of bacteria can have very specific effects.  In the future it is very likely that different strains will be recommended for different purposes and we may be prescribed specific bugs to boost our individual health.